Tanzania emblem
Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania

Ofisi ya Rais Mipango na Uwekezaji

Utawala na Usimamizi wa Rasilimali Watu

This Division is led by Mr. Benjamin Systesles Chilumba

Director of Administration and Human Resources Management

Email: benjamin.chilumba@planninginvestment.go.tz

Objective :

To provide expertise and services on human resource management and administrative matters to the Office.


This Division will perform the following functions:-

  • To interpret Public Service Regulations; Standing Orders and other Labour Laws;
  • To oversee the implementation of ethics and value promotion activities including corruption prevention education;
  • To administer and oversee implementation of activities such as Recruitment, Selection, Orientation, Training and Employee’s Development, Promotions, Discipline, Retention, Motivation, Performance Management and General Staff Welfare;
  • To ensure optimal, efficient and effective management and utilization of Human Resource;
  • To coordinate Workers Council and Trade Union affairs;
  • To oversee the development and implementation of effective policies, procedures and guidelines for Recruitment, Training and Development, Deployment, Retention of Staff, Promotions and Performance Management;     
  • To conduct Human Resource Audit and inventory of current and needed skills;
  • To provide Registry, Messengerial and Courier Services; and manage Office Records;
  • To handle protocol matters;
  • To facilitate provision of security services, transport and general utilities;
  • To facilitate maintenance of office equipment, buildings and grounds;
  • To coordinate implementation of ethics and value promotion activities;
  • To coordinate implementation of diversity issues; and
  • To coordinate implementation of Private Sector Participation, Business Process Improvement and Client Service Charter.

This Division will be led by a Director and will comprise of two (2) Sections as follows:-

  • Human Resource Management Section; and
  •  Administration Section.