Utawala na Usimamizi wa Rasilimali Watu
This Division is led by Mr. Benjamin Systesles Chilumba
Director of Administration and Human Resources Management
Email: benjamin.chilumba@planninginvestment.go.tz
Objective :
To provide expertise and services on human resource management and administrative matters to the Office.
This Division will perform the following functions:-
- To interpret Public Service Regulations; Standing Orders and other Labour Laws;
- To oversee the implementation of ethics and value promotion activities including corruption prevention education;
- To administer and oversee implementation of activities such as Recruitment, Selection, Orientation, Training and Employee’s Development, Promotions, Discipline, Retention, Motivation, Performance Management and General Staff Welfare;
- To ensure optimal, efficient and effective management and utilization of Human Resource;
- To coordinate Workers Council and Trade Union affairs;
- To oversee the development and implementation of effective policies, procedures and guidelines for Recruitment, Training and Development, Deployment, Retention of Staff, Promotions and Performance Management;
- To conduct Human Resource Audit and inventory of current and needed skills;
- To provide Registry, Messengerial and Courier Services; and manage Office Records;
- To handle protocol matters;
- To facilitate provision of security services, transport and general utilities;
- To facilitate maintenance of office equipment, buildings and grounds;
- To coordinate implementation of ethics and value promotion activities;
- To coordinate implementation of diversity issues; and
- To coordinate implementation of Private Sector Participation, Business Process Improvement and Client Service Charter.
This Division will be led by a Director and will comprise of two (2) Sections as follows:-
- Human Resource Management Section; and
- Administration Section.