Kitengo cha Ufuatiliaji na Tathmini
Kitengo kinaongozwa na Bi. Fortunata Alex Soka
Mkurugenzi wa Ufuatiliaji na tathimini
Barua pepe:
To monitor and evaluate implementation of Office Plans, Programs and National Key Result Areas (NKRAs) under the Office.
- Provide inputs in preparation of plans and programs activities in the Office;
- Monitor and evaluate implementation of Annual Plans and Medium TermStrategic Plans for the Office;
- Monitor and evaluate National Key Result Areas (NKRA) for the Office;
- Provide linkage between the Office and the Planning Commission on Monitoring and Evaluation activities;
- Prepare periodic implementation and Performance Reports on NKRAs under the Office;
- Facilitate Monitoring and Evaluation of the Office programmes and projects through the development of appropriate reporting instruments and templates based on the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs);
- Conduct Rapid Appraisal Assessments /Evaluations of the Office plans for informed decision making on programme/project improvement and progress towards the goals of the Office;
- Undertake impact assessments on Office’s achievements against prior set KPIs;
- Strengthen Office’s internal capacity on M&E through relevant training and sensitization;
- Develop M&E System for the Office including development and implementation of an M&E Framework for the Office;
- Monitor and Evaluate implementation of internal and external evaluation recommendations;
- Monitor and evaluate performance of institutions falling under the Office;
- Prepare periodic (weekly, monthly, quarterly, mid-year, and annual) performance reports for the Office;
- Coordinate mid-year and annual performance reviews of the Office; and
- Provide a linkage in performance monitoring between the Office and the institutions falling under the Office.
The Unit is led by a director.